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Magiccapsco·Cannabisy·997d1 review

Death Bubba | Cannabisy | July

Picked up a pack from cannabisy. Great quality gas for good price. The nugs are dense and sticky. Has a nice snappy crunch when you squeeze the nug. Rolls easily unlike over dried weed. During the smoke test, it burns great. White ashes and nice oil ring. Quads in my books

Strawberry from Cannabisy April 1st

Strawberry is a great Sativa with an aroma to die for filling your nose with a sweet/fruity smell that I personally can't get enough of, I find the high is very clear headed/stimulating and euphoric with no burn out which I enjoy when getting stuff done and needing a boost with creativity.. Als...
ethbrown63·Cannabisy·1276d2 reviews

Blue Mangoo - Cannabisy - October 2020 Cannabisy (

Visual: Very forested green with plenty of crystals coating the exterior. Very leafy, soft to the touch and

with a surprising amount of cannabis hidden in each nugget.

Nose: A moderate smelling cannabis strain,...
ethbrown63·Cannabisy·1297d2 reviews

Hawaiian Hammer - Cannabisy - September 2020
MOM Name: Cannabisy (

Visual: Expect these nuggets to be fluffy with a fair amount of crystals covering them. This strain has

very subtle purple/red hairs dispersed throughout and when broken up by hands will leave the hands

ThirdRoot7·Cannabisy·1753d1 review

Mota Black - Cannabisy - July 2019

This shit sent me to space
1 2


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