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Banana punch, TheWholesomeMonkey, July.

I wouldn't think so but not sure. It isn't tight and hard like that and when you break it up the trichs have had enough room to grow. I've found pgr stuff the structure is so tight that once you bust it open the amount of trichomes you can see just plummets.


Sophie's Breath by Beautifulbcflowers sourced from greasegodz via thewholesomemonkey November 2020

Sophie's Breath

• Lineage: Sophisticated Lady (Sophie's Cut) x Mendovreath F2

• Bred by Unknown

• Cultivated by @beautifulbcflowers

• Sourced from @greasegodz via @thewholesomemonkey

• ?? • Bag appeal - mostly smalls with ...

Gelato 45 by Beautifulbcflowers sourced by greasegodz via thewholesomemonkey November 2020

Gelato 45

• Lineage: GSC x Sunset Sherbet

• Bred by Unknown

• Cultivated by beautifulbcflowers

• Sourced from greasegodz via thewholesomemonkey

• Bag appeal - these small buds are nicely trimmed and are immaculately cured leaving t...

Papaya Punch - The Wholesome Monkey - October 2020

Fruity nose, smoke is smooth. Salt and pepper ash, the high is not heavy but a relaxed sativa. Uplifting and chill, good for a morning smoke. $40 quarter after $25 referral bonus. Probably wouldn't grab this one again, I prefer the Red Congolese as a morning smoke and this strain doesn't rea...

Biscotti by TheWholesomemonkey ordered early November

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