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Zirqq·Witchcraft Extracts·1498d89 reviews

Platinum Skittlze diamonds - Witchcraft extracts - Sept 2020

Very potent but not too terpy because it’s pretty much one diamond and a very tiny bit of sauce
Zirqq·Witchcraft Extracts·1500d89 reviews

Blue Pug Shatter - Witchcraft Extracts - Sept 2020

Their IG then email
Molkor·Witchcraft Extracts·1540d51 reviews

MK Ultra diamonds - Witchcraft.extracts IG - end of July

I’m sure this will get down voted by certain people in the community who try to control what makes it to top. But this is MK ultra Diamonds 7g Baller jar by Witchcraft extracts.

I don’t have a lot of experience in Diamonds. I’ve ordered a 7g baller jar before from these guys an...
Molkor·Witchcraft Extracts·1544d51 reviews

P skittlez live sauce - Witchcraft.extracts - End of July

Ok so once again awesome packaging.. These guys kill it, and hopefully they paid whoever designed the logo a nice chunk of cash for it. I’m not even sure what Live sauce is... It just sounded really tasty and it was on sale so I bought it. Regularly priced at $30 a g, when I asked for menu it was...
Molkor·Witchcraft Extracts·1544d51 reviews

Mixed shatter - Witchcraft.extracts - end of July

Ok onto the good stuff fam. Scroll over for more pictures. Definitely some pull and peel, look at the third pic... It looks stuck to my finger but peeled right off after. (That’s the super skunk)

First of all... Have you ever seen more beautiful packaging??? Best packaging in the g...
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