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Austinmini·bulkdabs·1143d1 review

Great deals! Hopefully my order actually comes!

Ordered Monday! And I have no idea if it’s been shipped 4-5days no response I’ve sent 3 emails no response I think it will come but sloppy customer service much better sites to order from!!
Next-Cell·bulkdabs·1296d349 reviews

Vancity Labs CANNALEAN Watermelon THC Infused Syrup - BulkDabs - June 4

NEXTCELL·bulkdabs·1297d61 reviews

Vancity Labs Cannalean Watermelon THC Infused Syrup - BulkDabs - June 4

BulkDabs           -

Packaging was professional & discreet. It was damage free, leak free and odour free.

Vancity Labs Cannalean Watermelon THC Infused Syrup

Bag Appeal - The packaging is well done and fairly detailed. It looks to b...
Next-Cell·bulkdabs·1305d349 reviews

Death Bubba Budder - BulkDabs - May 26

NEXTCELL·bulkdabs·1308d61 reviews

Watermelon Shatter / More Added Soon - BulkDabs - May 23

Packaging was leak free, odour free and discreet. Products arrived in great condition. Items were nicely labeled and packaged with care.

* Watermelon Shatter*

Bag Appeal - For a CRC shatter this looks really  natural and appealing. The colour is a beautiful...
1 2 3 4 5 · · ·7


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