With the wide selection of cannabis products, I opted to try the small buds and I couldn’t be happier with quality & price tag.
Appearance: small size buds with thc frosted all over
Smell: gassy and fresh
Burn: nice burn, enjoyable inhale and easy on the throat
...Effects: energizing start followed by relaxation for the burnout in time for bed zZzZZzz
Overall, 10/10. You sacrifice bud size for lower price, but quality stays high. My favourite benefit with buying smalls and popcorn, is grinding weed is just so much easier. When you blaze volumes as much as I do, it makes huge difference in time saved.
Looks 7.5/10: Smokes better than it looks. Dense buds. Various sizes. Not too big or too small. Lots of crystals caked up my grind.
Smell 8/10: Earthy and citrussy, if that makes sense.
Smoke 9/10: Smooth. I could tell when grinding that the bud would smoke nicely.
Burn 9.../10: Ash grey. No canoeing, as we call it in my neighborhood.
Effects 9/10: Strong high. Was super baked playing video games and played very well.
Overall rating 8.5/10: Death Bubba was worth it $59 for half ounce. Good price for quality flower. There are more strains in the cheap half ounce section that I ordered and will review.