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May 1, 2023


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bos420·ChronicFarms·753d643 reviews
Strain - Layer Cake Crumble

Texture/Visual - the contents sealed inside a threaded glass jar. Subtle terpene presence upon removing the lid. Clean appearance with a light golden creamy yellow tint, soft malleable texture, easily formed with a the assistance of a little warmth

bos420·ChronicFarms·754d643 reviews
Strain - Gorilla Glue #4 (Chocolate Diesel x Sour Dub x Chem Sister)

Visual/Texture - arrowhead shaped buds with pointed formed structures. An airy density with a crisp textured exterior, which are equally countered by the sticky resinous glue lined interior. The nugs dressed majority in ...
bos420·ChronicFarms·760d643 reviews
Strain - Platinum Banana OG Live Resin

Texture/Visual - coming packaged up in a glass twist off top mini jar, rendered scent less until cracked open. An absolutely visually appeal colored by a golden amber tinge, wet sparkling appearance, fresh, sticky, and easily scooped to a desired siz...
bos420·ChronicFarms·761d643 reviews
Strain - Jet Fuel (Aspen OG x High Country Diesel)

Visual/Texture - elongated oval buds of girthy proportion, cased by a crisp outer shell housing an interior with a spongelike density. Majority shaded in a medium moss green hue, having dark forest patches, and undertones tinted by deep ...
bos420·Cannabismo·765d643 reviews
Strain - Rainbow Rozay (Cherry Cookie x Sunset Sherbet)

Visual/Texture - fresh buds of spade shaped structures, returning to form when squeezed. Soft nugs having a density that's a squish able, while housing a sticky resin cladded interior. Draped out in a a visually stunning vibrant ...
bos420·Budem·768d643 reviews
Strain - Gelato #33 x Larry Bird

Visual/Texture - big bulky bud with girthy spear shaped structures. There's a light sponge density to the massive nugs which has a slightly crisp surrounding, with a slightly fresher interior once cracking open the unit. A contrast of colors shared be...
bos420·ChronicFarms·772d643 reviews
Strain - Nebula Caviar

Texture/Visual - a stunning appearance behind this jar of caviar, sealed inside a twist top glass container. Clean glistening miniature beads, having a creamy beige colored tone. Easily scooped from the twist top glass, or with its wet stickiness, formed with an eve...
bos420·ChronicFarms·773d643 reviews
Strain - OG Shark

Visual/Texture - buds resembling pepper shapes, textured with crisp shelled exteriors, housing a fluffier density within. Tinted up with a medium moss green, accompanied by dark olive shades, and deep purple patches. A heavy distribution of thin bright copper pistils, an...
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