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Zirqq·BCBudDispatch·2503d89 reviews

Popcorn Tangie from BC Bud Dispatch - April 18

Man for the price this is incredible. Smooth in my bong with a nice sweet taste. pretty crystally also

Tangie - BcbudDispatch - 18 - 04 - 18

Will review it tomorrow but at the first smoke i found it bit harsh like a bad flush but maybe im wrong, need to sleep , did work all night.

Nirvana Special - BcBudDispatch - 18 - 04 - 18

Smell herbal and mix of other sweet smell.

Nice thigh and big nug, guess this grow had lots of sun and not too much rain like the last summer in bc was !

Nice for free, will review tomorrow the smoke

Cannaseur Hybrid Vape Tip - BcBudDispatch - April

I was waiting to place an order for a strain specific vape tip though sadly they had yet to arrive by the time I placed my order, still a great deal with their 4/20 discount. I get a decent buzz off 5 or 6 pulls, though this may vary for some higher tolerance users (just ended a fairly lengthy T bre...

Nirvana - BcBudDispatch - April

This Oz was included for free as one of their 4/20 specials. According to their website it’s outdoor bud but IMO it matches up with the quality I’ve seen from TheChrono’s budget ounces, buds are very nicely trimmed and dense with hardly any scrappyness. Good amount of trichomes, the smell is t...
1 · · ·10 11 12 13 14


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