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thechronickid_00·BCBudDispatch·2156d1233 reviews

Seawarp - BcBudDispatch - January

Got this Seawarp and Mango Haze with my leftover points bringing it down to a silly low price and it’s actually very nice for an outdoor smoke. Smells like fruit loops and very similar to the outdoor strain Nirvana I had from Budmail. Going to smoke some soon and comment back.
thechronickid_00·BCBudDispatch·2166d1233 reviews

Purple Candy - BcBudDispatch - January 11

Got this once and loved it. Noticed they raised the price a tad but if it’s the same or as good batch it’s still worth it imo. About to try some now to see if she smokes the same. Smell and look are on point though.

A few pics
thechronickid_00·BCBudDispatch·2166d1233 reviews

Bruce Banner #3 - BcBudDispatch - January 11

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thechronickid_00·BCBudDispatch·2195d1233 reviews

Ice Wreck AAA - BcBudDispatch - December 19

Waiting to try it before i leave a review but it smells and looks decent. Trainwreck by itself isn’t my favorite but this seems like a more indica leaning hybrid.
thechronickid_00·BCBudDispatch·2197d1233 reviews

Purple Candy AA - BcBudDispatch - December 16

Only reason this is AA is the trim I imagine. Everything else surpasses it’s rating. Nice light green and purple buds that are quite frosty and sticky. They range from .8 to 2.0 buds but unfortunately they got a little squished. Very strong nose and taste reminescent of grand daddy purple and purp...
1 2 3 4 5 · · ·15


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