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sarcasma·BoutiqueCannabis·2429d1 review

Boutique Cannabis *Advisory*

Well, I’ve been trying for the last several days, to get a 150$ credit that’s owed to me. I placed an order, they did not have stock on dabs, so we added a couple more of items to the order, and the remainder of the balance was credited to my account. They don’t allow more then 50$ credit to ...
RaNdMViLnCE·BoutiqueCannabis·2675d120 reviews

El Jefe - Boutique Cannabis - $240/oz Multipack - Oct 30/17

I thought that the strawberry Diesel was my favorite of the 4 strains I got, but I have smoked allot more of this lol, so maybe this my favorite of the 4.

It’s kind of a Kushy pine taste, smokes Super smooth though, I smoked a nice size dube with my friend who is a lightweight and he did...
RaNdMViLnCE·BoutiqueCannabis·2675d120 reviews

Fire OG - Boutique Cannabis - $240/oz multi pack - Oct 30

Another one from the multi pack I got.

This one is kind of a lemon / piney kinda Kush smell and taste.
The buds were nice and soft, not crazy dense.

This was a good choice last night to sit back and relax, so I don’t think it would make a great out and about strain as it ...
RaNdMViLnCE·BoutiqueCannabis·2679d120 reviews

Moby Dick - Boutique Cannabis - $240/oz -Oct 30/17

Just got finished a really long and shitty kinda day.. came home and rolled up a phat joint of this Moby for a first try. Turned my night around. Uplifting buzz, and it even took a slight headache away as a bonus.
It’s not a foggy smoke, your head stays pretty clear I find. It takes a few mi...
RaNdMViLnCE·BoutiqueCannabis·2681d120 reviews

Strawberry Diesel - Boutique Cannabis - 12/g - Oct 30/17

1/8th bud pictured. It’s nice and fluffy, so wicked bag appeal, very smelly, classic diesel smell.

I smoked it in the daytime, had good back pain relief and didn’t burn me out too much.I really liked it.

A Bit on the pricey side, would love to get it on a nice sale. It is uni...


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