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MCDaddy75·Budem·828d432 reviews

Sugar Crisp - Bud Empire - Sept - Incentivized Review

Sugar Crisp from Bud Empire

AAAA (Exotic)

Nose: The nose was very appealing and yummy smelling! I got a lot of candy sweetness and a creamy brown sugar with a hint of spice. It was very pungent.

Stickiness/Moisture: The moisture level was great, and it was a little b...
brokeboyaintgotahit·Budem·850d6 reviews next level organics vapes aug

Vape pens by next level orgnics 1G

Starwberry milk live hash rosin OMG so fire smells so tatsey and terppy AF

Tarzan killin it
brokeboyaintgotahit·Budem·853d6 reviews

death cookies LSO ( aug. code kb23 20% off non sale items

Death cookies LSO- these buds are beautiful colourful... organge purp.. dark greens caked in crystal... nice and terppy ... very smooth and intoxication! Makes you want more .

Hybrid cross potent for sure but wont keave you couch...
brokeboyaintgotahit·Budem·865d6 reviews

Royal flush[budempire] AUG.5

This one is a banger flavorful and big old dense nuggies

FROM : tarzan (

Starin: royal flush AAAA

Price: banger !!! Afordable true quad

Nose: hard to explain but its dank AF not so much gas but eathey floral nice. Flavor profile: nose transla...
Kilimanjahroots·Budem·865d23 reviews

Maui Wowie - BudEmpire - August 2022

Paid 140$ for this Oz of AAA+.

Smaller buds in my bag that reeks of tropical citrus sweetness, the buds are quite sticky and moisture is perfect. The dry pulls are tasty exactly like fresh oranges.. the smoke is similar and the sweetness is kinda taking over the citrus but leaves a strong...
1 · · ·2 3 4 5 6


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