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Diablesse187·BuyMyWeedDirect·1829d77 reviews

God Nuken by buymyweeddirect

Strain: God Nuken

Variety: hybrid (dominant indica)

Lineage: God Bud X Nuken

Appearance: Super compact buds, excellent cure, size 0.8 + G, excellent humidity, crystallized and stiky

Odor: Sweet, earthy excellent odor

Taste: ...
Diablesse187·BuyMyWeedDirect·1831d77 reviews

Peanuts butter breath by buymyweeddirect

Strain: Peanut Butter Breath

Variety: Balanced hybrid

Growth: DoSiDos and Mendo Breath f2 (therefore supposed to be tasty)

Appearance: Super compact Buds , excellent cure, size 0.8 + G, excellent humidity, crystallized and stiky ,very fragr...
Diablesse187·BuyMyWeedDirect·1854d77 reviews

Violator kush buymyweeddirect reviews

Strain: Violator Kush

Variety: Indica

Growth: Malana X Hindu Kush

Appearance: very compact bud, very beautiful cure, size 2.5G, perfect humidity, very stiky.

Odor: Spicy and earthy, slightly pungent

Taste: Acre, slightly ear...
Diablesse187·BuyMyWeedDirect·1859d77 reviews

White shark OG buymyweeddirect

Strain: White Shark OG

Variety: Indica

Growth: uncertain

Appearance: Very compact buds, excellent cure, size 2G +, perfect humidity, very stiky.

Smell: earthy, diesel and sweet

Taste: earthy, diesel with a hint of vanilla...
Diablesse187·BuyMyWeedDirect·1860d77 reviews

Zkittlez Buymyweeddirect reviews

Strain: Zkittlez

Variety: Hybrid, Indica dominant

Growth: Grape Ape X Grapefruit X uncertain

Appearance: Slightly compact bud, good cure, size 1.5-G, good humidity.

Odor: tropical fruity and pungent

Taste: Tropical fruit, ca...
1 2 3 4 5 · · ·6


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