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StonerSteve64·CannaWholeSalers·2321d474 reviews

Purple Princess - Canna Wholesalers - October

The only thing this bud has is some nice purple hues but other than that it’s pretty dissapointing.

The nose is earthy/grassy not sweet or skunky like it’s supposed too. It also burns dark grey/black ash and is a harsh smoke. The high isn’t strong but a decent mellow day time high. I...
StonerSteve64·CannaWholeSalers·2321d474 reviews

Lucky Charms - Canna Wholesalers - October

As soon as I opened the bag the sweet marshmallow smell of Lucky Charms cereal is noticeable. One of my favourite smelling buds as of late but the smell doesn’t carry over to the taste as I was hoping.

It tastes like sweet berries with hints of citrus. Burns clean white ash and provides ...
StonerSteve64·CannaWholeSalers·2321d474 reviews

Rolex Hash - Canna Wholesalers - October

Smooth and potent it’s a good representation of blonde morrocan hash. Put some in a joint last night and it kicked my ass lol. It’s rock hard but easy to shave off pieces with scissors.

Obama Kush - Cannawholesalers - Oct 2018

Got this today from Cannawholesalers

I’m happy with the smell and taste. Pungent goodness. The buds are big, and smoke nicely. It fits the AAA category as described. Heavy hitter for the price, I recommend.

cannawholesalers -Bud Sampler Pack + Shatter Order - 10x2G Bud package :)

MOM Name Canna Wholesalers

Overall rating out of 10: 10/10

Sign Up: simple sign up process

Ordering & Pricing: Very simple ordering process , Very fair pricing!

Communication: Great communication with this MOM group , Very helpful and friendly with every question answ...
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