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Premium Quad Popcorns, craft oz’s rotating weekly for 99$, large selection of extracts and everything else your looking for!

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This Death Star gives me a gassy earthy nose I find to be a pretty consistent Death Star smell I find most times I’ve had it to be a pungent earthy dank I really like
The flavour translates well in a joint a nice sweet earthy smoke that burns very nice and I find really smooth on the t...
The flavour translates well in a joint a nice sweet earthy smoke that burns very nice and I find really smooth on the t...

Death Bubba - Chronic Farms - Aug
Bag Appeal: Man, this stuff looks like it was plucked right out of a fairytale. It's got this cool green shade with a hint of purple. Dense, frosty buds - solid 8/10.
Smell: When I cracked open the bag, it smelled like I just walked into a forest. The pine scent was strong, with a lit...
Smell: When I cracked open the bag, it smelled like I just walked into a forest. The pine scent was strong, with a lit...

The nose on this trop cookies budder is really sweet reminiscent of some good Tropicana cookies flower I had a few years back less orange but still thay really nice citrus kick
The flavour i really enjoy dabbed a earthy sweetness coats the mouth the earthy flavour was pleasant in with it...
The flavour i really enjoy dabbed a earthy sweetness coats the mouth the earthy flavour was pleasant in with it...

The smell I get off this slurricane popcorn is nice i get a sour almost grape like smell on the initial smell with a dank almost dough like background
The flavour translates nice the sweet dank comes across well in a joint I really enjoy the flavour on this batch
The high is ...
The flavour translates nice the sweet dank comes across well in a joint I really enjoy the flavour on this batch
The high is ...

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