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wtfrightnowman·ChronicPost·1975d43 reviews

Malana elephant hash - chronicpost - july 2019

Was a free sample i received after he contacted me on reddit offering it to me free of charge! Full album pics :
Chronicpost(dot).ca sample pack- july 2019

Mid range potency, taste is present but not my favourite. All in all its what you would expect sub 200...
GalloDe_Oro·ChronicPost·1976d41 reviews

Love Potion #1 - Chronic Post - July 2019

ChronicPost(dot)ca reached out to me earlier this week and offered to send me a sample pack. Right off the bat, I found that really cool of them.

I’ve had Love Potion#1 before, and ChronicPost’s hits all the checkmarks.

It smells great, with a very fresh lime and pine scent. Th...
wtfrightnowman·ChronicPost·1976d43 reviews

Greasy pink kush - chronicpost - july 2019

MOM Name chronicpost(dot)ca

Sign Up: Didint need to sign up, he contacted me on reddit to see if i would be interested in a sample pack free of charge.

Ordering & Pricing: chronicpost dm’d me on reddit for a sample pack free of charge

Communication: responded fast ...
wtfrightnowman·ChronicPost·1976d43 reviews

Purple space cookie - - july 2019

MOM Name chronicpost(dot)ca

Sign Up: Didint need to sign up, he contacted me on reddit to see if i would be interested in a sample pack free of charge.

Ordering & Pricing: dm me on reddit for a sample pack free of charge

Communication: responded fast on reddit and wa...
wtfrightnowman·ChronicPost·1976d43 reviews

Duken nukem - chronicpost - july 2019

MOM Name chronicpost(dot)ca

Sign Up: Didint need to sign up, he contacted me on reddit to see if i would be interested in a sample pack free of charge.

Ordering & Pricing: dm me on reddit for a sample pack free of charge

Communication: responded fast on reddit and wa...
1 · · ·51 52 53 54 55


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