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Faded Herbs is a mail order marijuana dispensary passionate about quality and a high degree of simplicity. We source only the highest grade cannabis from craft batch farmers only. think of farmer’s market for cannabis but online, hassle free, and free of dirt. We do not offer cheap deals for cheap cannabis. Instead, we prefer that only those with the right eye, taste and palate for quality shop here.
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Death_Punch02335·FadedHerbs·1738d10 reviews

**Faded Herbs** - Granddaddy Purple - May 18 2020

First off I want to start by pointing out that Faded Herbs is still sort of a “new to the scene” MOM. I hadn’t ordered from them before and I ALWAYS welcome the opportunity to try out new MOM sites to see who all stacks up both price and quality wise and to review them for you guys accordingly...
EIquestions·FadedHerbs·1741d32 reviews

Super nuken faded herbs may 2020

Not much to complain about. Higher than average potency, burnt nice, ash was almost white. Normally this is very expensive, but I got a deal, I don’t think I would’ve purchased this at full price, but for the promo was decent bud for sure. Supposed to be a quad, and it’s pretty nice but not su...
EIquestions·FadedHerbs·1742d32 reviews

Death Bubba Faded herbs May 2020

It tasted great and was extremely smooth. Burnt quite Evenly too. The only I didn’t like, and it’s actually kinda important, was that it didn’t get me very HIGH LOL


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