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bos420·First Class Medicinal·1477d643 reviews

Super Strength Gummy Bear * First Class Medicinal * February

Brand - Choice Edibles - Super Strength Gummy Bear

Mom - First Class Medicinal

Flavor - the flavor on this was labelled as tropical and it definitely carried a taste of a tropical blend. The taste reminds me of the classic beverage(s) Hawaiin Punch or Tahiti Treat. With a blen...

Mimosa (GCR Cut) by Gastown - First Class Medicinal - June 2020

(Reposted due to issue)

Back in May I bought an ounce of their mimosa (tofino cut) that was a little bit cheaper than their GCR cut so I decided to stock up and I absolutely loved that batch. Then this new batch of GCR cut went up for sale and was supposedly one of their best batches to dat...

Mimosa by Gastown Collective - First Class Medicinal - May 2020

I’m very happy I picked this up! Absolutely great in every way. Very fresh buds that were carefully trimmed and an insanely loud terps that remind me of fresh oranges/grapefruit. Very strong smoke that’s suitable for anytime of the day, very uplifting mentally and very relaxing physically. Gasto...

Mimosa by Gastown from First Class Medicinal - April 2020

Quality: 7/10 Value: 6/10

First time trying out Gastown’s mimosa after hearing all the hype and I’m having some mixed feeling so far. Unfortunately lots of smalls for the premium $74 per quarter price tag but at least the buds are still pretty fresh and not too dry. Super terpy and has ...

GG#4 smalls -Firstclassmedicinal Nov 17

Yeah I was expecting something bad for triple a rating with 55$ price tag, not bad once you remove the leaves, smell is kinda lacking and so is the taste but gets you high for sure, but feels more sativa dominant, was full of energy at work smoking throughout my shift
1 2 3 4 5 · · ·13


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