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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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dnmSeaDragon·KootenayCraft·2298d39 reviews

Living Soil Super Lemon Haze - Kootenay Craft - Nov '18

Very nice strain from KC. Opening the jar is like getting smacked in the face by a bunch of different citrusy fruits. Smoke is smooth and has a nice citrus taste.
Feroze_3545·KootenayCraft·2302d1 review

Kootenay craft review 1oz Cactus Breath 1/2 oz Strawberry Jerry

-MOM Name: Kootenay craft

-Overall rating out of 10: 10/10

-Sign Up: Easy, First time ever ordering from a mom

-Ordering & Pricing: Pretty self explanatory although they did provide steps along the way.......Pricing is excellent, maybe I’m biased because I played USD and t...
cannacoupon_ca·KootenayCraft·2304d12 reviews

Chocolope - Kootenay Craft - August 2018

It really was. Great pure sativa with energy and motivation for days. Great smoke too
cannacoupon_ca·KootenayCraft·2304d12 reviews

Watermelon - Kootenay Craft - September 2018

I’ve checked it thoroughly, it’s pristine.
Konker·KootenayCraft·2310d2 reviews

Kootenay Craft - October 2018

Kootenay Craft 8/10 – I’d been hearing good things about KC’s flower for a while, so I figured I’d finally bite the bullet and give them a try. Ordered back in mid October, but I believe many of the strains I tried are still in stock, or have been restocked. I had somewhat of a mixed experie...
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