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mcmaxx123·KootenayCraft·2178d51 reviews

[Kootenay Craft Co] Skunk #1 Hybrid Indica Review | 4.5/5

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**\[Kootenay Craft Co\] Skunk #1 Indica Review | 4.5/5 |** [Microscope Photos](
benny9292·KootenayCraft·2180d23 reviews

KC- Cactus Breath- Mar

My first time ordering so I’m super glad, got lucky I guess ahah

Tom Ford Pink Kush - Kootenay Craft- March 2019

Sorry at work, it’s not bad at all. Came super dry, potency is not too bad, and has a faint Kush smell. Was expecting sticky, dank buds. This batch is not it unfortunately.

Threw one of my 64g boveda in the jar to see if it improves at all.

Still need to give this one a fair revi...
bcbudreport·KootenayCraft·2185d2 reviews

Living Soil gods bubba - KC -early March

Dense, sparkling, sticky, perfectly trimmed buds, with a heavy berry nose (smells identical to some black diamond I have from October.) my first offering from living soil growers from KC and it is impressive. Tried in the vape mostly and this one has a great flavour with a heavy behind the eyes type...

Watermelon - Kootenay Craft - March 2019

Taste: Watermelon doesn’t come through too much in the taste. Just a hint. Not bad overall. 2/3.

High: 2/3

Fatigue: 2/3
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