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Mainland Cannabis Multiple Strain Review - March 2020


Mainland Cannabis


Packaged in a sturdy, protective box. Everything was vacuum sealed within, containing all smells. Very quick two day shipping from BC to ON.

Strains :

Widow Lightning

God's Green Crack - Mainland Cannabis - March 2020

A strain I’ve had countless times but always seem to enjoy it. This GGC from Mainland is a very nice smoke and an example that this strain can be quite potent. Round, dense buds that are tightly trimmed with a sticky texture. Typical GGC colours, including purple streaks complimented by bright ora...

Black Diamond - Mainland Cannabis - March 2020

This Black Diamond from Mainland arrived in a dark green, purple toned bud, dusted in a layer of frost. Sticky, semi dense texture and structure, with stout rustic orange hairs that barely peek through. Neat trim as well minus a few visible sugar leaves.

Really strong black diamond nose an...

Charlotte's Web - Mainland Cannabis - March 2020

This Charlotte’s Web has a very nice look to it as far as CBD flower goes. A high CBD, low THC content which would explain the visible trichome head production amongst the semi dense buds. Very light green appearance with a heaping helping of long, orange hairs. Not very sticky but not dry either ...

Hindu Kush - Mainland Cannabis - March 2020

Love me some Hindu Kush and this one from MLC is a great rendition of it. Chunky and slightly fox tailed, this bud arrived sticky and dense. Overall decently trimmed with few random leaves at the bud’s base. Lovely contrast of colours, with almost dark black-indigo streaks that are beautifully com...
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