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Pacific Grass is known for our exclusive boxes and unboxing experience.
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Snoowy·PacificGrass·8d1 review

Best mom ever

Cheap price high quality
Yaz98·PacificGrass·15d1 review


Amazing weed selection
majdeku·PacificGrass·17d4 reviews

Not the best, but they're reliable

Pacific grass is like the overpriced dealer that bags everything fancy, used to sell huhe amounts of quads for the low but now owns a small craft business on the bay. I consider them the equivalent of a government herb shop without the regulation to prove their herbs potency.

In br...

Pacific Grass always comes through

They always stock top quality products with some more budget friendly options as well. I recommend their Mystery add on for an extra bang for your buck. Their cash back program is really good as well. Ordered over 7 times and have never been disappointed!
Wiise·PacificGrass·67d1 review

They are done. Scammers.

They ripped me off. Pay attention to the email when ordering. It said « pay me ».
They are done. Update this sht.
1 2 3 4 5 · · ·159


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Hi there,

Since our launch in September 2019, the team at Pacific Grass has been working hard to be the best online dispensary out there and we wouldn’t be where we’re at now, without each and everyone one of you!

As of Septembe
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