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Atribecalled_420·PotCargo·350d1 review


Is this a turd from your cat litter, sir?
kgbdemon90·PotCargo·917d29 reviews

Polynesian Thin mints oso fuego - potcargo - end of July 2022

Picked this up for 35 shipped from pot cargo with points. Labeled as AAAA it looks the part and the high is there but the flavor is a little strange. Burns white little harsh but alright in bubbler. The high straight up kicked me in the face I was a little took back by it at first not expecting it t...
BIGNUTZZZZZ·PotCargo·933d1 review

Death Bubba - Pot Cargo - July 2022

SuperSenseii·PotCargo·946d1 review

Master Kush - Pot Cargo - July 2022

I regret making this purchase. Saw it on oz deals and still feel ripped off. Burns black and taste bitter and hurts the throat. Tried reaching to customer service but no chance. Do not recomment
thedopechaud30·PotCargo·959d32 reviews

Polynesian Thin Mints - Oso Fuego via PotCargo - June 2022

Been trying several strains from the team at Oso Fuego, and while I thoroughly enjoyed them all, their Polynesian Thin Mints is the pick of the litter.

Opening the container I'm hit in the nose with a deep doughy gas with some lemon freshness on the back end. The aroma is nice and lo...
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