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jgoldblum88·ShamrockCannabis·1990d10 reviews

Moby Dick - Shamrock - July '19

I had originally ordered platinum kush but they were out and sent me this instead plus an extra g.
I was initially kinda bummed cuz the platinum kush looked amazing but this stuff is actually really good maybe the best out of my mix.

Congo Black - Shamrock - July 2019

I’ve been a fan of Congolese since first trying it back in 2012. I have a couple jars of legit Robert’s Creek Congo in the back of my weed cabinet for special occasions and I’m always on the look out for it. Red Congo is nice and very similar to real Congolese, but the real thing is something ...
jgoldblum88·ShamrockCannabis·1993d10 reviews

Hash Plant - Shamrock - early july '19 (along with one of it's seeds) this was advertised as AAAA

Here’s a pic of the seed still in the nug

This was the 4th or 5th seed I found in my 3.5g. Wouldn’t have pulled out my camera if it wasn’t a recurring issue.
SebQc77·ShamrockCannabis·1994d101 reviews

Berry OG - Shamrock Cannabis - July 2019

It’s a piece of material only used for photo shoots, not a carpet.
SebQc77·ShamrockCannabis·1994d101 reviews

Violator Kush - Shamrock Cannabis- July 2019

Not at all. Just a customer who like to do macro photography and share the results. Not paid or any discount implied. I only combine 2 passions by posting this here.
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