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Hash Plant - Shamrock - dec 19

First let me say that I’m extremely new to all of this.
I’ve only used this strain twice, both times using a dosing cap so not very much herb.
Taste I can’t really comment on because I haven’t been able to pick out any particular tastes on any of the herb I’ve tried so far. Maybe ...
KingGoldie23·ShamrockCannabis·1828d10 reviews

Sweet Tooth - Shamrock Cannabis - Dec 2020

Advertised as smalls, decent pick up for a budget option.

BC Vapes Carts from Shamrock

Pretty Good, the master kush carts hits crazy but liquid isn’t too thick so it finishes faster. Honey oil diesel was a treat. A very social high but the second u lie down, your gonna go straight to sleep. Tbh I wouldn’t buy the distillate one since it’s doesn’t seem to last too long. Shamroc...
chron372·ShamrockCannabis·1832d9 reviews

King Louis XIII - Shamrock Cannabis - Mid Dec.

This was the most therapeutic strain of the 6 I ordered from shamrock, tied with the Zombie OG!
chron372·ShamrockCannabis·1832d9 reviews

Death Bubba - Shamrock Cannabis - Mid Dec.

This stuff is organic and has me very interested in live organic soil now! Unsure if its the strain or the medium but it’s got psilocybin/LSD like effects!


I tested it a few times to make sure, wasnt sure if it was because i skipped lunch or smoked 2 many cigarette...
1 · · ·5 6 7 8 9 · · ·45


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