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King Louis XIII-ThesmokingMonkeys-March 2021


Possible mold issue? Sherbert / The Smoking Monkeys / December 2020

Definitely looks like mold my friend. It is unfortunate since the bud looks so good otherwise. The bud is useless and you shouldn’t risk a respiratory infection, especially during flu season.

I hope you can get compensation for the bag because simply put:

mold + lungs = dang...
bos420·The Smoking Monkeys·1523d643 reviews

White Cookies * The Smoking Monkeys * December

Strain - White Cookies (White Widow x Girl Scout Cookies)

Mom - The Smoking Monkeys

Smell - the nose on this strain is fairly muted until grinded where the terpenes really start popping. It has a sweet doughy earthy smell with alot more of the GSC nose being present


Sherbert / The Smoking Monkeys / December 2020

-This product was gifted for the purpose of reviewing. The review reflects my nonprofessional opinion of the flower. I'll be rating value based on the price posted on the website prior to sales-

Quality: 7.5/10 Value: 8.5/10

Appeal: Decent bag appeal, the leaves are a m...
bos420·The Smoking Monkeys·1524d643 reviews

Cali Kush * The Smoking Monkeys * December

Strain - Cali Kush

Mom - The Smoking Monkeys

Smell - the initial smell coming off the strain is slightly muted when first selling it, once busted up the terpenes become alot more pronounced. Scents of herbal citrus and a skunky coffee like smell are very prominent

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