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Scoops - PPR - mid July

Sorry terrible pic, the nose isnt too strong on this strain and doesn’t feel that sticky to the touch, but once you start spinning one up... you DEFINITELY feel the stickiness as it clumps back together very easy in the paper, buds are cured well and has a slightly sticky and spongy feel to it. Ni...


It’s good but Carly’s is a better deal imo. Quadra is probably a heavier more sedating smoke, and the buds are insanely nice looking. But carlys has a perfect pink nose and I prefer the smoothness.

Wedding Cake - PPR - June '20

Would have been a good one if it wasn’t for the shit cure. Keep the lighter close as it goes out constantly and burns black with mild effect. The black sugar breath is marginally better.

Q. 5.5 V 5. This is the harmony collective organic grown bag lol, everyone is too interested in their ...

Reeze Macflurry - The Prince's Private Reserve - July 2nd

What type of Alien nuggery have I received, nodular chunkers covered with abundant crystals that scream ’smoke me!’. After breaking the bag open, I was greeted with a light smell reminiscent of sour candy and very faint breathy undertones. The smoke is as smooth as a well paved road, with ash be...

Wedding Cake #3 (Rainz) - The Princes Private Reserve - early June '20

Wowowowow. ’Fuel Cupcakes’ is the princes nickname for this one, and I wholeheartedly agree. Insanely tasty cookie Terps with a deep swampy sweet gas on the backend. Ever since I tried the Ice cream cake Hierba made I fell in love with these Terps and the high these cake strains give. So cerebra...
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