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HypeInFaMous·WeedCargo·1734d241 reviews

Charlie Sheen OG - Weed Cargo - January

*This sample was part of the free welcome kit provided to me from weed cargo in exchange for an honest review
HypeInFaMous·WeedCargo·1735d241 reviews

Snoop Dogg Og (Sample) - Weed Cargo - January

*Recieved this as part of my free welcome pack from weed cargo in exchange for an honest review

Will edit in a review in a bit.
poil13·WeedCargo·1736d5 reviews

Wedding Cake - Weed Cargo - Jan 2020

Quality 8 / Value 10 (from m&m QP)
apex8888·WeedCargo·1737d21 reviews

Afghani Pink - Weed Cargo - Jan

I was kindly provided with a sample of this strain that I wanted to try. It was a decent high, medium – high potency indica. Wa cured and had a smooth smoke. Not much smell or taste. Price was free so I’m not going to comment on value. Quality: 7.5
Trevor9250·WeedCargo·1737d5 reviews

Welcome kit - WeedCargo - January 2020

Value: 7/10 Quality: 5/10

This kit is $30 comes with 3g of weed , buster, papers, dube tube (with cone), tips, mini clipper lighter , sticker and a humidity pack (not in picture )

The 3 grams I got were rock tuna , romulan, and pink island .

The weed is mids quality b...
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