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April 17, 2021


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Cronnoisseur420·BlowOut420·1657d14 reviews
This weed is drenched in a kiefy white coating of thrichromes. Sticky and still fresh with a great cure

High: high potentcy balanced hybrid with great healing property’s. Strong mix of energizing followed by a calming decent effect on this one. Strong sedation and body buzz to follow! Gr...
Cronnoisseur420·BlowOut420·1658d14 reviews
Wow this weed is beautiful. With light green and random purple and blue leaves. It is covered with big trichromes throughout. Sticky and perfect cure

High: extra potent! Very strong calming effects on this one that help take the edge off throughout the day and evening. This weed slaps in ...
Cronnoisseur420·KootenayCraft·1670d14 reviews
Wow a beautifully grown, cured and trimmed 5 gram nug! Beautiful dark green with blue hues. Nicely caked with fully developed thrichromes throughout

High: strong calming effects on this one that help take the edge off throughout my day and lowers my anxiety and stress. I do feel a nice se...
Cronnoisseur420·KootenayCraft·1684d14 reviews
Bag apeal to the max, this strain is stunning. Huge nugs with crazy colourful blue and purple hues. When you crack the nug open its a very light green inside with multiple layers of trichromes

High: Really helps take the edge off at the end of the day and lowers my anxiety and stress. This...
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