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January 20, 2022


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Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1129d15 reviews
HGA lambs breath

Pretty good sativa!

I was tired of being tired all the time so I tried some lol

8/10 smoke 7/10 taste

Good stuff
Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1138d15 reviews
Nice flower got it on a New Years sale. Smells great tastes good. Smokes good. Good for the cost !

8/10 smoke 9/10 taste 8.5/10 looks
Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1150d15 reviews
Black Tuna I purchased from HGA during a sale before Christmas. As you can see it looks great! Definitely worth the price. Smells pretty good and smokes well too. Good indica haha if you smoke too much you get sleepy forsure. Enjoyable.

Smoke 8.5/10 Look 9.5/10 Smell 8.5/10
Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1160d15 reviews
Great strain especially at the discount price. Smell wasn’t super strong but was deff there

I would recommend smoking it

Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1340d15 reviews
Constantly a good hitter. Can’t go wrong with DMC. If you see this strain on sale I’d pull the trigger forsure. Consistency is key ?

Q 8.5/10 T 9/10
Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1367d15 reviews
Gassy but VERY sticky... maybe a bit too sticky lol. It was some fire tho

Great look and smell. Decent smoke

Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1377d15 reviews
As I'm sure most of you know, DMC is great. No complaints here and nothing new. Consistent, great smelling, good smoking strain. Happy as always with it.

Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1404d15 reviews
The house gelato was pretty good for the price. I was happy with it, had a nice taste. Nothing crazy but that can't be expected. The Milky Way Cart was granddaddy purp and it was some fire, probably a solid 8.5/10 for the cart and an 8/10 for the gelato. I would recommend both.
Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1419d15 reviews
Got this around Mid March and just got to smoking it. Decent for an AAA strain. Nothing to write home about but I was deff happy with it. G'looks, HGA. Buds were crystal-covered and not dry. Didn't taste amazing but it did get me stoned.

7/10 Taste
8/10 Bag Appeal
Dymes94·HighGradeAid·1446d15 reviews
Ordered an OZ of DMC s popcorn and a 1g cart from HGA. The DMC popcorn came in four 7g bags and the 1g cart well, was a 1g cart lol. DMC was good as always, maybe a bit less potent cause it’s popcorn buds but whatever, I enjoyed it.

Taste - 7/10 (not as good as usual) Quality - 8/10 Val...
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