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April 27, 2021


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The smell reminds me of the Ice Age they have ! Super terpy & it burns white. The cure is great , visually appealing and gets me quite stoned. Great for any time use. The taste & is almost like fruity pebbles or trix it’s crazy. I was told this is a one of one , the cross being , Sophie’s br...
Wow the Mint Chocolate Chip from these guys never disappoints. I’d say this is a strain I could smoke forever , I wish it was always available. The smell is loud . Burns super clean , the taste quite minty with a chocolaty under tone. Squishy big buds with lots of sugar. I’d say this is GG’s...
Never tried this strain before but wow did it impress me. Sticky buds amassing aroma transfers over into the flavour of the smoke. Almost pepper terps but something else I can’t put my finger on right now. Would definitely buy this strain again in the future burns cleans with a nice oil ring. Lov...
Crazy strong meat terps on this , order arrived quick burns clean and is strong. Squishy dence nuggs.

9/10 overall
Loved this last time i got it from gas garden. Almost everything ive grabbed from these guys has been fire, but damn its expensive. I guess you gotta pay for convenience with the whole buying by the quarter thing
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