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March 10, 2022


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Quadsimodo420·HighGradeAid·1085d4 reviews
MOM: High Grade Aid Strain: Jet Fuel Star Rating: AAAA- Price: $119

The zip I got of this was nice and gassy, touch sweet but mostly all diesel gas throughout. Smells like a lot of other jet fuels I've gotten before. The bag appeal is not the greatest but not terrible either. Has a b...
Quadsimodo420·HighGradeAid·1125d4 reviews
Mom: HGA Strain: Runtz Grade: AAAA- Price: $99.00

First time buying the strain Runtz. When I opened it up I got hit with a sweet citrus sativa kind of smell with almost like a breath strain nose I was picking up as well. I enjoy the smell it's a nice change, different. Not the prettie...
Quadsimodo420·HighGradeAid·1135d4 reviews
Mom: High Grade Aid Strain: King Bubba x Blue Fin Tuna Rated: AAAA- Price: $99.00 Sale Price

Appearance: My order came in a variety of bud sizes but mostly mediums to smalls. They were fairly dense with a nice gummy squeeze to them. A touch crispy on the outside, a little more than I lik...
Quadsimodo420·HighGradeAid·1306d4 reviews
New to the whole MOM scene and reviewing so hopefully I am doing this right.

I decided to go with HGA after a friend of mine recommended them. I went with the earth bind cookies because it was in my price range with the $25 referral code and free shipping. I opened my earth bind cookies a...
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