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May 31, 2021


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TheGreenBastarrd_·KushStation·1758d26 reviews
Overall rating 9/10.

I picked up an OZ for $153 roughly after discount code and kush points... Not bad!.

Quality (9.5/10): True quad indeed. Checked all my boxes. Potent, clean burning, gassy. I smoked this all day and had a fantastic sleep.

Smell: 10/10 - My kitchen sm...
TheGreenBastarrd_·KushStation·1771d26 reviews
Ahhh finally... I had waited some time for this due to shipping delays... This arrived with the Pink Death also. Funny how similar yet so different they are... both indica strains but the terps are completely different.

Start with taste (10/10) - Heavy deep lung hitter with an obvious fruit...
TheGreenBastarrd_·KushStation·1771d26 reviews
Picked up an oz of this and Blueberry Pancakes. Both are AAAA Indica strains but WOW so different...I will review the PD here.

Quality (10/10) - Loud. Gassy. Powerful. Exactly what you expect from either of its parents (Pink Kush and Death Bubba??). Perfecto!!!

Price (9/10) - Fair...
TheGreenBastarrd_·KushStation·1778d26 reviews
This is a solid morning time weed. It isn’t a huge hitter, the taste was a but muted I found. I would have to give this one a 7/10 (AAA-) personally.

Price was good (9/10)

Buds were nice (7/10)

Taste was ok (6/10)

Buzz was solid (7/10)

Overall for the p...
TheGreenBastarrd_·KushStation·1780d26 reviews
10/10 - One of the best buds I’ve smelt. Great bag appeal with a clean burning clean high. Great bud for the quarantine!
TheGreenBastarrd_·KushStation·1781d26 reviews
Another knockout by bubba kings. I love this stuff.... sad to see it leave us so soon.... Great bag appeal and smell to match. fantastic 10/10
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