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March 9, 2022


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kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1187d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. Opened the bag to an earthy scent with a hint of sweetness. The buds were primarily large to medium in size and found them to be very dense in weight we it trichomes drenched throughout. Used in a freshly cleaned Pax 3 ...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1187d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. This was part of their Black Friday deal and buds were primarily medium to large in size and accented with a ton of orange hairs and trichomes throughout. Used in the Mighty+ I got excellent cloud coverage with an almos...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1187d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. Buds were primarily medium to small in size as I was only able to grab a half oz. The smell was a bit earthy and it did activate my allergies a bit but only upon smelling. Used in the Pax 3, I did get decent clouds upon...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1207d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. Buds were primarily medium to large in size and overall I found the smell to be almost earthy like with a very prominent kush scent. The buds itself were dark and light green in color and caked in trichomes. Used in a f...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1208d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. This was my second batch of Apes in Space and was happy with the consistency of the bud. Had an almost sweet and kushy smell to it and size wise was primarily medium to large. Absolutely caked in trichomes with subtle ...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1208d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. Picked up this Oz on sale for only $99 so ordered immediately. I will say there was no mention of this batch being ”smalls” or small buds until I opened the bag. Overall smell was sour like with a large amount of or...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1225d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. Opened the bag to a sweet smell where the buds were primarily medium to large in size and caked in trichomes. Used in my new Mighty+ I got excellent cloud coverage. The taste was very smooth and I found this to be a ver...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1225d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. Opened the bag to a very gassy like smell where the buds were very dense and accented by orange hairs. Used in my Pax I did feel the indica effects primarily in the eyes and felt a general calmness. Over time the resin ...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1239d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. Opened the bag to an almost earthy like smell. I am not sure if the AAAA- score was affected but my allergies definitely kicked in smelling the bud so I wonder if it was flushed properly (usually don't have issues w...
kidfrommarkham·HighGradeAid·1239d61 reviews
My incentive was $25 off and free shipping on my next order with High Grade Aid. Opened the bag to an almost sour like smell. Buds were primarily small to medium and consisted of dark green hues accented by orange hairs. Used in the Pax you get an almost kushy and gassy exhale. This is a bit of a cr...
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