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Latest Review:
June 9, 2022


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milesdeep1881·HighGradeAid·1146d15 reviews
Bag appeal - 8/10 Smell - 7/10 Taste - 8/10 Smoke - 7/10 Flush - 8.5/10 High - 8/10

Relaxing buzz with a slight couch lock effect. Great for the end of the day before heading to bed. Very sweet pungent smell.

Great bang for the buck. No complaints.

Incentivized revi...
milesdeep1881·HighGradeAid·1166d15 reviews
Very pleased with this purchase. for 90 dollars you can’t go wrong, this checks the boxes of a true quad.

Smoke - 8 Taste -8 Smell - 9 Bag appeal - 10 Flush -8

By far the best bang for your buck. They also have a ton of other options meeting these standards.

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