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Latest Review:
July 16, 2021


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ridersfan421·HighGradeAid·1333d7 reviews
Got this stuff on sale , I know the hga haters will downvote lol but I don’t care . Honest review here it is

This stuff is good got it for a super awesome price Nice clean , burn white ash . Burns in a joint with nice oil ring . Good flavour profile

Opened the bag hit with...
ridersfan421·HighGradeAid·1342d7 reviews
Grabbed half oz on sale for 75$ plus I used points and code for more off . This batch isn’t as strong or good as the last time I had it last year but it’s still a good strain for the price

Got it ultra fast from CP first time ever from Vancouver post office Monday morning to my door ...
ridersfan421·HighGradeAid·1349d7 reviews
I was a little hesitant because anytime I’ve tried MAC of any kind I’m usually disappointed but this came as advertised. Nice and terpy and covered in crystals . Smokes so nice and clean with a nice strong buzz attached.

Got this on sale pungent gassy but sweet nice size nugs and wit...
ridersfan421·HighGradeAid·1354d7 reviews
Classic rockstar smell taste and buzz , I got it on sale in the smalls popcorn section

I’m a rockstar fan and this was legit smalls but same good buzz and smokes nice clean white ash . This stuff even though it’s smalls is covered in crystals and as soon as I opened the bag was hit ...
ridersfan421·HighGradeAid·1362d7 reviews
Got this on sale and I’m super impressed . Decent size nugs for popcorn buds . As soon as I cracked the bag open hit with a nice whiff of classic pink smell , rolled a little joint for myself and boom couch lock ?‍♂️

Overall 8.5/10
ridersfan421·HighGradeAid·1377d7 reviews
I’m a big fan of FGSC and this didn’t disappoint

After a little time in the jar the smell is classic cookie and burns nice white clean ash with nice oil ring in a joint .

Got this on sale and I’m satisfied for sure !!
ridersfan421·HighGradeAid·1405d7 reviews
Very impressed with this

Smells unique , busts very nice , covered in trichs

Smokes nice white clean ash

Tastes great .

Quality 8.5/10

Overall 9/10
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