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November 17, 2020


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trojanskin·KootenayCraft·2212d34 reviews
Woopidoop this one knocks my socks off. Loving the taste (awesome to me) and loving the big high I have with it. Very special high to me,, hard to explain but it feels so good. Mostly smaller nugs but it was sold out 2 mins after I placed my order... So happy I didn’t receive an exchange.
trojanskin·KootenayCraft·2212d34 reviews
Loving this one. Hits me pretty hard with big sativa rush. Need to try it again tho. Taste is amazing to me. Way better than the Strawberry cough I had from HSP that tastes almost nothing and makes me cough, or the apple Pie from SHE that I have and barely taste anything...
trojanskin·KootenayCraft·2212d34 reviews
Loving this. Taste more like Ricard than Jager to me (that’s a bonus) and knock me out pretty strongly. Loving it. my 2nd fav so far? Not sure I love them all TBH hehe. Now I will try the Jager from HSP to compare as it was my 1st time with this strain.
trojanskin·KootenayCraft·2212d34 reviews
I love it. 1st time trying this strain. Pretty strong to me and I love the high. I also tried the black Mamba (no pics of this one sorry) and love it as well but not as potent.
Would buy again.
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