
February 21, 2020
Review Count:
First Review:
February 21, 2020
Latest Review:
September 6, 2020


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HotdogPhil81·KushStation·1817d14 reviews
MOM Name: Kush Station

Overall rating out of 10: 10

Sign Up: Sign up with email. Pretty straight forward.

Ordering & Pricing: Kush Station ships out of Vancouver, BC. They will ship your order out same day if you get your money in by 9am pt.

Communication: Always ...
HotdogPhil81·KushStation·1822d14 reviews
MOM Name: Kush Station

Overall rating out of 10: 10

Sign Up: Basic sign-up by email.

Ordering & Pricing: Kush Station ships out orders ASAP if the payment is in before 9am PST. They ship from Vancouver, BC.

Communication: Kush Station has given me 15% back on wha...
HotdogPhil81·KushStation·1830d14 reviews
MOM Name: Kush Station

Overall rating out of 10: 10

Sign Up: Basic sign-up by email.

Ordering & Pricing: Kush Station ships out orders ASAP if the payment is in before 9am PST. I get my orders in 24 hours from them living in BC. They ship from Vancouver.

HotdogPhil81·KushStation·1844d14 reviews
MOM Name: Kush Station

Overall rating out of 10: 10

Sign Up: Sign up with your e-mail. Basic stuff.

Ordering & Pricing: Orders get shipped out ASAP if the payment is in before 9am PST.

Communication: Discussed the Pink Kush with one of the staff members on Discord...
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