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February 19, 2022


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B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1122d19 reviews
One of my favourite strains from HGA that I have order multiple times and not gonna lie this batch was slightly disappointing, smaller buds and a slight lack of smell and flavour. Aside from that the potency is there. This strain is usually 9/10 but I think this batch was 7/10 or 7.5. Not terrible b...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1199d19 reviews
Another great order from high grade aid. This time the dcm was a lot cheaper at I think like 150-160 an oz which was a steal for this potent indica. I enjoyed the usual chocolate taste. Great smoke and a steal at anything under 250 (which is almost always is)

Everyone Ik who has tried it...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1214d19 reviews
Very potent smoke for a pretty decent price. I ordered a different strain and they swapped it for this. Nothing too crazy on the taste but definitely a hot smoke. As soon as u start smoking u feel it in ur face and ur body. Would recommend to anyone but honestly I prefer dcm or rain of frost or eart...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1261d19 reviews
Another great order from HGA, love their stuff

This batch of DCM wasn’t as flavourful as past batches but potency was definitely there. Still definitely has a solid flavour that tastes a little chocolate like and is very smooth. I swear the smoke makes my mouth tingle a little. The ash ...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1292d19 reviews
A super nice Indica strain, tastes pretty gas, nothing to insane to note on the taste, this strain us definitely potency over taste but that being said it has a smooth burn and smooth taste.

Is it as nice as a bubba kings mike Tyson, No but it’s also a lot cheaper and probably better v...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1325d19 reviews
Pretty potent indica. Tastes slightly chocolate like the DCM or death mint cookies. Not as potent as DCM or death mint cookies tho but it’s cheaper. Very smooth and a pretty good taste. A tiny bit leafy but for the price that’s ok.

For around 150-160 an oz that’s an insane price for...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1339d19 reviews
Another great order from HGA, both strains were fairly priced with a good smoke, the galactic wiz was more of a hybrid where as the earth bind cookies was more of an indica, both were smooth smokes but I think the earth bind cookies tasted better, both incredibly potent and probably best value strai...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1353d19 reviews
Death chocolate mousse (first pic) is same as usual HGA seems to be very consistent with this strain, always fire especially for the price would recommend to anyone, very potent indica with a nice smooth taste with a hint of chocolate in there

Chemical poison smalls were also super fire, ...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1355d19 reviews
Death chocolate mousse is same as usual HGA seems to be very consistent with this strain, always fire especially for the price would recommend to anyone

Chemical poison smalls were also super fire, pretty huge buds wouldn’t even consider them smalls, super nice hybrid that smoked welll ...
B2M3T02·HighGradeAid·1372d19 reviews
That looks terrible compared to the DCM they had coming out …. HGA quality has taken a huge downturn.
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