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February 19, 2022
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One of my favourite strains from HGA that I have order multiple times and not gonna lie this batch was slightly disappointing, smaller buds and a slight lack of smell and flavour. Aside from that the potency is there. This strain is usually 9/10 but I think this batch was 7/10 or 7.5. Not terrible b...

Very potent smoke for a pretty decent price. I ordered a different strain and they swapped it for this. Nothing too crazy on the taste but definitely a hot smoke. As soon as u start smoking u feel it in ur face and ur body. Would recommend to anyone but honestly I prefer dcm or rain of frost or eart...

Another great order from HGA, both strains were fairly priced with a good smoke, the galactic wiz was more of a hybrid where as the earth bind cookies was more of an indica, both were smooth smokes but I think the earth bind cookies tasted better, both incredibly potent and probably best value strai...