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Latest Review:
November 12, 2021


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BeachSmoke3·GrassChief·1217d4 reviews
Wow this bud is definitely one not to miss out on.

Flavor is earthy with a bit of citrus and very smooth

Burn nice white ash

Effects not for the novice. This strain will leave you nice and relaxed enjoying your evening
BeachSmoke3·GrassChief·1257d4 reviews
Got the right cross from old Mikey. Nice smooth hit in the yocan. Visual this is stunning Did not turn into sugar during delivery Nice great high. Gets you into that nice relaxed state 2000 points added to account for review Enjoy your day everyone
BeachSmoke3·GrassChief·1304d4 reviews
Picked this Donkey Butter up from Grass Chief. Smoked very nice with nice clean burn. Effects had a nice relaxed body. Enjoyed looks of her also. 20000 points added to my account for review
BeachSmoke3·GrassChief·1359d4 reviews
Hello everyone I am just wondering why we don't seem to see any post on the product from Grass Chief. I have been ordering from this MOM now for a long time and have been very happy with all their products. As for the customer service they go over and above always. I can not say enough about t...
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