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April 14, 2020


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JayJayMMA·HerbApproach·1792d2 reviews
One of the most solid hybrid strains. Had a very pungent earthy smell. Still a bit sticky when it arrived but it didn’t really matter. Smokes great white ashes and smooth on the throat. Great contrast in colour and iced out. Felt a light head buzz but this strains a creeper and knocked me out afte...
JayJayMMA·HerbApproach·1797d2 reviews
Black Mamba takes the 3rd place of my favourite strain after Death Bubba and Platinum Death bubba. After opening this zip up I immediately got a whiff of the potent herby indica scent, you know it’s good when that wind of dank just hits you. Super nice and dense bud covered nicely with dust. Bur...
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