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August 17, 2019


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MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2018d25 reviews
I just use a white tile that I got from home depot. I think it’s called a subway tile. Then I use photoshop to make the background pure white.
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2072d25 reviews
haven’t tried it yet, but it looks nice.
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2176d25 reviews
haven’t tried it (and I normally vape bud + concentrates now anyways). it’s pretty sticky icky, depending on whether or not you like that. looks potent.
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2224d25 reviews
Canon T5i with a Canon 60mm f/2.8 macro lens. I use extension tubes for the macro shots. Plus a tripod, lightbox, and two lights. And photoshop to process the photos.
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2326d25 reviews
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2332d25 reviews
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2335d25 reviews
Haven’t vaped it yet actually. Smell is alright, but nothing crazy. If you want a stronger smell and better taste, I would go for the Nuken at that price point. But the bud looks legit as you can see from the pics. Looking forward to trying it out. Maybe tonight.

I thought the Durban Po...
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2352d25 reviews
Thanks! I use a Canon T5i with the Canon 60mm f/2.8 macro lens.
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2354d25 reviews
MacroBudPics·GrassChief·2379d25 reviews
The Purple Haze is there. I think it got added recently.

Not a customer... just got sent the buds to photograph.

They will probably add the Grape Jelly soon I would imagine.
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