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September 17, 2019


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bongeorgeno·EmeraldCastleMed·1988d5 reviews
A very smooth Indica from the smoke all the way to the effects.. a bit of a creeper, started out with a mellow euphoric high, and then the big couchlock hit.. couldn’t keep my eyes open. Super relaxing and definite goto end of the day bud.
bongeorgeno·EmeraldCastleMed·2040d5 reviews
Lol true true I’’ve seen green crack and this.. aside from all the funky names I’ve seen the ones with other drugs crack me up the most.. waiting for something like mushroom Kush or Black Diamond Cocaine to come along
bongeorgeno·EmeraldCastleMed·2053d5 reviews
Lol that would make a crazy combo smoke... violator and annihilator.. coincidentally also sounds like a badass 80s wrestling tag team.
bongeorgeno·EmeraldCastleMed·2066d5 reviews
Happy long weekend y’all! Stoked on this find of 2 of my fave strains. Very potent on both ends with the heavy relaxant on the BB and the mental buzz of the Lambsbread. Elated to see my parcel come in this Fri. Still on the hunt for a decent Lambsbread if anyone knows :)
bongeorgeno·EmeraldCastleMed·2159d5 reviews
excited for you! This one was a treat for sure. Floral and tasted like honey a bit. Smooth and strong. It’s my bros bday this weekend so I’m going to put the rest away till tomorrow.. so until then ...
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