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March 13, 2021


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bushymills·KushStation·1462d7 reviews
Mint Chocolate Chip from Kush Station. Listed as a Hybrid, but I get a little bit more sativa leaning out of it personally, beautiful orange hairs and some nice purples scattered through it this is a really nice looking flower. Smells minty and piney on opening the bag, busting it up you get the swe...
bushymills·KushStation·1531d7 reviews
Awesome pick up from KS, this is rated as a AAA sativa leaning hybrid and it was on sale through their Holiday Sale, factoring in points as well this was a very reasonable purchase. Compact, sticky and caked Diesel smelling buds ranging from medium to large size. Definitely a stimulating strain upon...
bushymills·KushStation·1548d7 reviews
Death Star by Cincopax from KS. I received this free as 2nd prize from the Black Friday raffle. It is priced at 290/OZ on website, and rated as a AAAA Indica Dominant strain. Upon opening the bag the entire room fills up with gas, like a diesel, death bubba type earthy, pungent, smell almost like mu...
bushymills·KushStation·1550d7 reviews
Got this Animal Face from KS over the Black Friday sale, it’s sourced from Enigma Extracts. So this came with a 15% discount and I used whatever points I had, came out to being a good deal in my opinion. Also they had a raffle going and I ended up winning 2nd prize which was an OZ of AAAA and $100...
bushymills·KushStation·1774d7 reviews
Picked up these in 2 different orders they had a deal 4/175 or 50 each.
Gelato Glue

Utopia Haze

White Fire OG

Royal Moby

Blue Mystic

Royal Cookies

When I first tried the Gelato Glue it had kind of a burnt taste to it not fantastic so I trie...
bushymills·KushStation·1778d7 reviews
This Gelato 33 is seriously a treat from KS. Sold out within a couple days, had a feeling it would so I got myself a zip, with the 20% 4/20 discount and a couple points I ended up paying $165 instead of the listed $240 price/oz. The Larry Bird strain.

On to the buds first thing you notice i...
bushymills·KushStation·1778d7 reviews
First off, I’m a recent convert to MoM’s and I’ve only used KS so far but so far so good.
So I’ve heard a lot of good things about this strain not only on reviews on the website but through friends that if it’s ever available to get your hands on it so I saw it available and I grabbed ...
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