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February 14, 2022


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jsavage420·BCMedichronic·1073d4 reviews
This was received as part of a sample pack from BC Medi. This was a good tasting strain but the smell was near non existent. Even smelled a bit like homegrown bud. It was dryer then others I received but overall taste was pretty good. A bit of an earthy , gassy taste. Not harsh , clean ash . Does...
jsavage420·BCMedichronic·1074d4 reviews
Received this as part of a sample pack from BC Medichronic. This stuff had a great lemony smell . Smoked in a j and burnt clean ash. Sweet , piney taste with a good high Would recommend 9/10
jsavage420·BCMedichronic·1075d4 reviews
Blackberry / BC medichronic

Looks good , decent fruity smell. Taste a hint of sweetness but harsher then I expected it would be . Dark ash , not black but not white . Overall decent bud would be better to vape then roll. 6.5/10
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