
Review Count:
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Latest Review:
May 18, 2020


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juelzverne·KushStation·1762d4 reviews
Mom name: Kush Station

Ordering & Pricing: 9

Communication: 10

Packaging: 9

Incentive for Customers: yes

Awesome price as usual and awesome communication. Super transparent on when they’ll be restocking once again!

Overall rating: 10
juelzverne·KushStation·1783d4 reviews
Mom name: Kush Station

Ordering & Pricing: 9

Communication: 10

Packaging: 9

Incentive for Customers: yes

Awesome price as usual and awesome communication. Super transparent on when they’ll be restocking once again!

Overall rating: 10
juelzverne·KushStation·1795d4 reviews
MOM: Kush Station

Overall : 8/10

Communication/service : 10/10

Shipping and Packaging: 10/10

Product to review: Orange Kush. Was sort of discouraged when receiving and at first glance. But it surprised the hell out of me. Not much smell but the flavour is nice wit...
juelzverne·KushStation·1796d4 reviews
Nuken from @kush.station . This shit is fireeeee. Tasty as can be and the effects are booming! Thanks guys! Definitely be ordering again.
Flavour 5/5
High 4/5
Aesthetics 4/5
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58186 Products
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