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March 2, 2022


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newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1109d24 reviews
Not too heavy, pretty good taste and nose. No complaints with this one. Solid 7/10 strain

I received $25 off and free shipping for this review
newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1116d24 reviews
Been crazy about this stuff. For the price, it’s killer. Gassy, good taste, good nose, can’t go wrong.


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newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1132d24 reviews
Good taste of this stuff. Was a little bit dry but it wasn’t “crumble in your hands” dry. Had a nice gassy taste, I ran through an ounce pretty quickly. Would buy again.


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newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1194d24 reviews
Honestly one of my favourite strains by HGA. Good taste, smell, nose, quality was above what I expected considering the price ($100 oz) definitely AAAA and definitely better than the chocolate mousse. Would grab this one again. 8/10.
newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1212d24 reviews
I enjoyed this strain. It had a good taste and smell and got the job done. I’d give it a solid 7/10. I received $25 off and free shipping for this post
newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1241d24 reviews
Wasn’t super super crazy about this stuff. Doesn’t have much of a smell or taste, a lot of people were saying it’s gassy but I don’t see it. It was worth a try and if you’re looking for something affordable it is alright. I prefer the death chocolate mousse a lot more. 5.5/10

I ...
newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1249d24 reviews
Switched it up and tried some Islane El Chapo. Was super happy with the taste, smell, high, price, everything! Can’t go wrong at all with this stuff. Solid 8/10.

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newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1264d24 reviews
Great batch! Super fresh nugs, lots of flavour. Great nose. The quality gets better tbh but everyone continue to hate because of incentivized reviews! Definitely the best strain on the market when you’re keeping price in mind. 8/10.

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newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1278d24 reviews
Beautiful batch. Sweet but gassy smell. Said it once and I’ll say it again, this is the best value cannabis you can get for the price and quality. $140 for a half compared to $75 shipped. Can’t really argue with that. 8/10 on this batch.

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newpolosocks·HighGradeAid·1283d24 reviews
Love this stuff a lot. Great taste, not too strong, good smell. Can’t really go wrong especially at the price point. Solid 7.8/10 over and over.

I received $25 off and free shipping for this review.
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