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June 7, 2020


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pallblart·KushStation·1743d4 reviews
I got this when it was on sale, It wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t great either but for the price it was alright. It has a sweet, light piney smell and taste which is pretty good. The buzz isn’t really strong but the effects are still relaxing and mildly sedating making it nice for before bed. I...
pallblart·KushStation·1743d4 reviews
Ordered an oz of this delicious stuff at the beginning of the week and received it on Friday. The buds are big, dense, and covered in thricomes. It has a very kushy and fruity smell with a hint of diesel/gas. The taste is sorta like the smell but a lot more fruity. The high is what makes this stra...
pallblart·KushStation·1790d4 reviews
Ordered last Wednesday I think and received it surprisingly fast. Nice big chunky buds, a little leafy but not terrible. Very pleasant smell and an alright taste. Smokes good and clean in the bowl. Very good weed for the price as usual. Would buy again.
pallblart·KushStation·1793d4 reviews
I ordered two ounces of bubba kush on April 9th and i received it today. Super discreet packaging, I couldn’t smell anything until I cut open the vacuum seal and it ranked of a fresh kushy smell. It burns slow and smooth in a joint and tastes superb. Nice and tasty in the bong as well. Very great ...
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