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Carefully selected products sourced from top canadian distributers. High Grade Flower, Premium Hash, Extracts, Edibles, Topicals. Rewards/Refferal programs. $99 Oz Budget flower available
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SebQc77·BlueMoonCannabis·1779d101 reviews

Gelato (Organic) - Blue Moon Cannabis - Late November 2019

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SebQc77·BlueMoonCannabis·1779d101 reviews

Fire OG - Blue Moon Cannabis - Late November 2019

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SebQc77·BlueMoonCannabis·1782d101 reviews

Purple Mozel Tov - Blue Moon Cannabis - November 2019

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JBCronic·BlueMoonCannabis·1797d10 reviews

Space Queen — Blue Moon — End of October

Fruity, apple like nose to it, translates pretty well to the taste. Burns clean, salt and pepper ash but mainly white. Really heady high, very sativa leaning effects; gives me a good boost of energy almost immediately. Got on sale during their October promotion, definitely a steal at 145. Reminds me...
bbsta0101·BlueMoonCannabis·1797d17 reviews

Pink cake, blue moon, Mid Nov

Such a nice strain, beautiful nug. The high is just so relaxing yet can still stay focused. I only got a G but wish I got more. Such a tasty strain reminds me of a strain I had before called pink Cookie. Taste is like a floral sweet earthy kinda taste. It’s really good definitely recommend.
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