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RyguyG8·BoxedBuds·1838d36 reviews

Pink Cookies - Boxedbuds - Feb 7, 2020

I got an oz of this sent to me after I complained and sent a video of my sparking bud as I smoked it, props again to Boxedbuds customer service, they’ve been nothing but awesome to me. Pink Cookies is $119 per oz so I was expecting a little more than what I’ve got from their $99 options. I was p...
cannadatrees·BoxedBuds·1838d196 reviews

Kosher kush - boxed buds - feb/20

Mostly small, leafy drier buds. That hair came in the bag, lol. Smells kind of kushy but also grassy. Kind of like a weak homegrown.

Tastes nice and kushy, harsh on the throat. Still nice body effects.

Guy on the site rated it highly but I didn’t find the same - loser of the or...
jdmq·BoxedBuds·1838d1 review

Lemon Thai - Boxed Buds (mid feb)

V: 8 Q: 6

Not a bad pick up considering the price, for the lady as a daytime smoke, ash is clean but there is no smell other than grass/hay, subtle terps ground up, will boveda for a couple days and see. Tis a 99er tho.

Very good customer service, responsive and friendly d...
driedpuddle·BoxedBuds·1838d35 reviews

BOXED BUDS -Durban Poison

Already reviewed just wanted to add a pic of the whole ounce jarred .. beautiful buds
cannadatrees·BoxedBuds·1839d196 reviews

Kandy kush - boxed buds - feb/20

Smaller leafy buds, nice cure/humidity, smells of lemon and pine.

When busted up the lemon comes out stronger, with the taste being lemon and pine again. Not overly tasty but it’s there and noticeable.

Half way through a joint I felt talkative and upbeat, which lasted through t...
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