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Tab7879·BoxedBuds·1846d268 reviews

Zombie og, boxedbud, Feb 2020

Quality 6. I hate to say this, but it had to be left open, or on a shelf to dry too long cuz its the point of stale. If fact, the only reason it get the points it did it because it has lots of Crystal’s, but not sticky or nothing, and even a roughntrom of smalls

Value 4. Because many othe...
Tab7879·BoxedBuds·1846d268 reviews

Durban poison, boxedbud, Feb 2020

Quality 10. I am pleasantly surprised with this strain. It is nicely trimmed buds, a potent high and a smooth smoke. Beautiful deep purple and nece dance nugs

Value 10. I say this because I didntbexpect an 89er to kick me like this did
munnfromnewbrun·BoxedBuds·1846d47 reviews

God Kush - Boxedbuds - February

Very happy with this LR from Boxedbuds. The terps are ridiculous, very fruity berry flavor and its probably the smoothest LR I’ve ever had. It burns clean and is very stoney. I also put some in ISO and it left nothing behind, compared to SS LR the difference is day and night.
Q - 10
V - 10
RyguyG8·BoxedBuds·1846d36 reviews

Durban Poison - Boxedbuds - Jan 25th, 2020

Really impressed with the bag appeal. The buds are dense dark green and purple. Excellent trim job. This bag contained a variety of buds from big to popcorn sized, bo stems. The buds are really dense. The two big buds are 3+ grams each. The smoke was a little harsh on the chest, I’ve had higher qu...
blackcarbon59·BoxedBuds·1847d6 reviews

Jedi Kush - Boxedbuds - February

Quality 7/10
Value 7/10

Has a grassy skunky diesel smell then once ground up smells a bit more gassy and maybe a bit like berries and skunk. Buds are trimmed alright with some of them being a bit loose making the smoke a little harsher, but not bad. Good potency, smoked 1 rimmer got me ...
1 · · ·129 130 131 132 133 · · ·150


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