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t0shie13·BoxedBuds·1355d16 reviews

Wizard Punch | Boxed Buds | Late May 2021

Wizard Punch
Price Point - $79
Bag Appeal - Med/Dark green in color with lots of orange pistils. Nice looking buds. Mostly medium size with a bit of everything else in the mix
Nose/Taste - herbal and fresh but not that gross grassy/mossy taste. Definitely enjoyed it more after it was i...
l420710·BoxedBuds·1355d11 reviews

Mint Chocolate Chip / Boxedbuds / May

TidusInAtlantis·BoxedBuds·1356d2 reviews

Strawberry Jerry - BoxedBuds - April 2021

One of the best sativas I’ve ever had. Vapes incredibly well, smells amazing after going through the grinder and gets me perfectly high for a night of video gaming!
party_goat·BoxedBuds·1356d9 reviews

Cookie dough-Boxedbuds-May 2021

Another homerun for Boxedbuds. Stong and powerful odor and definitely a night time strain imo. Decently caked large buds with some mediums in there. Would buy again.
drumist420·BoxedBuds·1357d12 reviews

Death Bubba - Boxed Buds - May 2021

Death Bubba was a great indica strain from Boxed Buds. This strain was a $79 an ounce special that packed lots of punch. Smooth smoke but definitely had you coughing if you got too greedy and hit it a little too hard. Tight bud as always well trimmed and very crystally the flower was also very stic...
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